University of Missouri

Student Feedback

The Office of the Provost asked schools and colleges to send us positive messages about faculty they have received from students. Below are a few that demonstrate the dedication of our faculty in these unprecedented times.  Jacqueline Limberg, Nutrition

Profiles of Excellence

Continuing our series of profiles of a faculty member and staff member, we focus on two who demonstrate adaptability, leadership, and teamwork–Dr. Tim Lewis and Sheena Rice.  Tim Lewis, Special Education Because Dr. Tim Lewis directs the University…

HES Academic Restructure Announced

Dear faculty, staff and students, As we evolve as an AAU land grant university, we must make bold and transformative moves to enhance our research mission and better serve our students for a changing future. In keeping with these goals,…

Fall 2021 Schedule

Dear Mizzou community, With early registration approaching in March, we have had to make some important decisions about how to schedule our courses for the fall semester. When registering for fall classes, students will see that there will be more…

Tigers Supporting Tigers

As part of each Newsletter, Office of the Provost will highlight one faculty member and one staff member who we want to thank for their extraordinary service to the Mizzou community. We applaud their dedication to helping others, especially during…

Provost’s Office and Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Collaborate on Inclusive Excellence Initiatives

Collaborative initiatives such as Preparing Future Faculty and The Huddle seek to support faculty of color throughout their careers at Mizzou. Read more at Show Me Mizzou…

William H. Byler and Maxine Christopher Shutz Awards Announced

The Office of the Provost would like to announce two very special awards: the William H. Byler Distinguished Professor Award and the Maxine Christopher Shutz Award and Lecture for Distinguished Teaching. The Byler and the Shutz are awarded to an…

Three Provost’s Awards Announced

We are excited to announce more of the Provost’s award winners—congratulations to all three faculty members! Provost’s Creative Extension Programming by New Faculty Award The Provost’s Creative Extension Programming by New Faculty Award recognizes faculty with a current (at least…

Provost’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Awards Announced

We are thrilled to announce the three winners of the 2020 Provost’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Teaching Awards and the two winners of the 2020 Provost’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Research & Creative Activity. These highly-competitive awards honor the very best work…

4-H Center for Youth Development Wins National Diversity Award

We extend hearty congratulations to the MU 4-H Center for Youth Development for winning the APLU National Extension Diversity Award. Read more about the award on the MU Extension website. The Provost’s office provided assistance in applying for this award and we…