Executive Staff

Matthew Martens
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
email Email
phone 573-882-6596
place 110 Jesse Hall

NaTashua Davis
Associate Vice Provost for Academic Access and Leadership Development
email Email
phone (573) 884-7267
place 402 B Jesse Hall

Rhonda Gibler
Interim Vice Provost for the Division of Enrollment Management
email Email
phone 573-882-2094
place 311 Jesse Hall

Jeni Hart
Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School
email Email
phone 573-884-1402
place 210 Jesse Hall

Candace Kuby
Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
email Email
phone 573-882-2965
place 114 Jesse Hall

Jim Spain
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
email Email
phone 573-882-1620
place 128 Jesse Hall

Mary Stegmaier
Vice Provost for International Programs
email Email
phone 573-882-6008
place N52 Memorial Union

Kara Whatley
Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian
email Email
phone (573) 882-1685
place 104 Ellis Library