Provost’s Scholars Program

The goals of the Provost’s Scholars Program are to incentivize trainee research fellowships and to promote achievement of exemplary pre- and post-doctoral trainees at the University of Missouri. To achieve these goals the program provides institutional support and career development training to recipients of individual fellowships from extramural funding agencies and foundations.  Supplemental support is provided to academic units to cover any funding gaps that occur in trainee research fellowships. For example, NIH typically covers only 60% of tuition costs for recipients of a F31 pre-doctoral fellowship. Therefore, if a MU student received this fellowship, the rest of the tuition costs would have to be covered from other sources (e.g., PI discretionary funds; general departmental funds).

The Provost’s Scholars Program will provide academic units with supplemental funding when they have a trainee who receives a competitive research fellowship that has a funding gap. To apply, the department chair of the academic unit that houses the trainee should submit a Provost’s Scholars Program application to the Office of the Provost. The request should include the following:

  1. Trainee name
  2. Fellowship name
  3. Amount and details of funding gap, including documentation (e.g., a link to the fellowship webpage that details tuition/stipend limits)
  4. How this fellowship advances MU strategic priorities
  5. A copy of the trainee’s CV

If approved, funds will be transferred from the Office of the Provost to the appropriate academic unit. Awards from the Office of the Provost may provide full or partial coverage of the fellowship funding gap, depending upon factors such as size of the funding gap and availability of funds.

To submit an application, or for additional questions, please submit a single packet to Associate Provost Candace Kuby.