New Faculty

Welcome to Mizzou! The Office of the Provost is planning several virtual and in-person events to welcome new faculty to Mizzou. Plans are in the works, so please check back to this website as new information and details are posted.

If you have any questions about New Faculty Orientation events or anything else that pertains to your transition to MU, please feel free to be in touch with me at

All my best,

Candace Kuby

Associate Provost for Faculty Success

Faculty Orientation Video

Please watch this welcome video for new faculty from the Office of the Provost. 

Faculty Video 

New Faculty Orientation 


Tuesday, August 13, 4:00-6:00 pm: Reception hosted by the Office of the President and Provost for new faculty members at the Chancellor’s Residence on Francis Quadrangle located at 501 S. 9th Street.  Join us for food, music, and time to meet your new Mizzou colleagues in this lovely setting in the heart of our campus.

Wednesday, August 14 & Thursday, August 15, 8:30 am-5:00 pm: New Faculty Orientation events will take place at the Missouri State Historical Society located at 605 Elm Street. Stay tuned for more information about the sessions on research, working with your department chair, IDE efforts on campus, teaching supports and working with students, the graduate school, extension and outreach, and much more!

Click here to register for the August 13-15 orientation sessions.

Click here to view specific College/School orientation events.

May 30th, 2:00-3:30 pm

The focus of this session is on what new faculty need to know about our community and local resources.  Click here to view the recording of this session.  Click here to view the slides from this session.  

June 10th, 2:00-3:30 pm

The focus of this session is on what new faculty need to know about HR, benefits, and faculty wellness resources on campus.  Click here to view the recording of this session.  Click here to view the slides from this session.  

June 24th, 2:00-3:30 pm

The focus of this session is on what new faculty members need to know as they plan their syllabi and class activities for teaching. We’ll discuss supports from the Teaching for Learning Center, Missouri Online, the Libraries, and the bookstore. Information about Canvas, our web-based learning management system, will be shared. We’ll also announce additional workshops and sessions taking place in July and August to support you as you prepare for teaching. Click here to view the recording of this session.  Click here to view the slides from this session.  

Summer Supports

New Faculty Webinars

Making a Good Impression: The Syllabus  June 13, 12-1pm 

presented by the Teaching for Learning Center – In this session, we’ll discuss the syllabus as a strategic document of our course design that also serves as a clear roadmap for the class.  Faculty will learn how to use the syllabus to effectively communicate course learning objectives, assessment strategies, and engaging learning experiences.  By the end of the session, faculty will better understand how to create a welcoming, learning-centered syllabus that supports student motivation and works as a dynamic tool to guide both teaching and learning throughout the semester. 

Click here for the Zoom link. passcode: 643036 meeting ID: 98029384789

New Faculty: Meet Your Subject Librarian  July, by appointment

presented by the University of Missouri Libraries 

Click here for more information.

University of Missouri Libraries New Faculty Orientation Webinar  July 17, 1-1:45pm

presented by the University of Missouri Libraries – Start your academic life at Mizzou in the know about hoe MU Libraries support student and faculty success.  This session is an orientation level introduction to the services and resources provided by the University of Missouri Libraries.

Click here for more information.

Planning For Success: Directing and Assessing Student Learning  July 18, 12-1pm

presented by the Teaching for Learning Center – This session’s topic takes us on a deeper dive into how we can align well-defined course learning objectives with assessment strategies that give diverse students multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning throughout the course.  By the end of this workshop, faculty will have had an opportunity to generate clear, measurable, and attainable learning objectives that map to multiple measures of student learning.

Click here for the Zoom link. passcode: 643036 meeting ID: 98029384789

Health Sciences Library New Faculty Orientation Webinar  July 18, 1-1:30pm

presented by the Health Sciences Library – Start your career at Mizzou in the know about how the library can support your research and teaching activities, and see sneak previews of our modernized facility, scheduled to open later this year.

Click here for more information.

Hiring Undergraduate Researchers  July 19, 12-1pm

presented by the Office of Undergraduate Research and the manager of Student Employment – an overview of the logistics to hire undergraduates to jumpstart your research activities at MU.  Recruiting, payroll onboarding, and compliance training will be covered.   Additional information on undergraduate research at Mizzou will be shared.

Click here for the Zoom link. 

University of Missouri Libraries New Faculty Orientation Webinar  July 23, 1-1:45pm

presented by the University of Missouri Libraries – Start your academic life at Mizzou in the know about hoe MU Libraries support student and faculty success.  This session is an orientation level introduction to the services and resources provided by the University of Missouri Libraries.

Click here for more information.

The Learning Journey: Implementing Engaging Instruction  August 8, 12-1pm 

presented by the Teaching for Learning Center – This workshop is designed to equip faculty with effective instructional strategies that encourage active student engagement. Attendees will explore how to deliver interactive lectures, employ questioning that invites student participation, and intersperse brief activities throughout their classes. Faculty will walk away from this session with practical examples and a toolkit of helpful methods.

Click here for the Zoom link. passcode: 643036 meeting ID: 98029384789

Undergraduate Research @ Mizzou  September 23, 4-5pm

presented by the Office of Undergraduate Research and the manager of Student Employment – more detailed information on how students and faculty get involved, including programs and workshops for students, opportunities for faculty to tap into, grant proposal support, annual events, courses, department liaisons, the ins-and-outs of navigating the system and Q&A.  Even if you are not planning on mentoring undergraduates this fall, the information provided will be helpful to purposefully engaging students in your scholarship in the future.

Click here for the Zoom link. 


Additional Resources

Online Teaching:

On-Campus Teaching:

New Employee On-Boarding:

Health and Benefits:


Canvas Site

New Faculty Members have a shared Canvas site, where they will find videos, resources, and information about a variety of important topics, organizations, and offices. To access, go to and login with your MU pawprint and password.