The following policies are relevant to the lives of faculty members. If you are searching for a policy that is not listed here, please contact Associate Provost for Faculty Success Candace Kuby.
Academic Grievances
Faculty may use this procedure for grievances relating to their status or activities as faculty members.
Conflict of Interest
The University of Missouri is committed to fostering an academic environment in which the University’s teaching, research, service, and economic development missions are furthered. Participation in outside professional or commercial activities make important direct and indirect contributions to the strength and vitality of the University. Such activities add knowledge that is relevant and useful to teaching and research, develop sources of funding, and establish relationships valuable to the University. However, the pursuit of the University’s diverse missions can lead to inherent conflicts of interest. As a steward of public funds and public trust, the University of Missouri is committed to identifying activities that present the potential for conflicts and managing them to assure that they do not threaten the integrity of the University of Missouri’s students, staff, and faculty.
Academic Calendar
Please refer to the Academic Calendar linked to here for all official dates regarding classwork, vacations, and exam periods.
Faculty Bylaws
The official Faculty Bylaws of the University of Missouri, as laid out in the Collected Rules and Regulations.
Faculty Handbook
The University of Missouri Faculty Handbook presents the most current compilation of the formal university rules, policies, and procedures concerning academic responsibilities of MU faculty.
Office of Academic Integrity
The Office of Academic Integrity, which resides within the Office of the Provost, supports the university’s educational mission and goals in two ways. First, this office supports faculty and students and maintains fairness and integrity in the classroom. In addition to providing resources for upholding academic integrity, this office is responsible for handling student conduct issues related to academic dishonesty. Second, it supports our university’s deep commitment to intellectual pluralism and respect in the classroom.
Travel Approval
In order to comply with both university policy and IRS regulations, authorization must be given by an administrative superior (usually one’s supervisor) or other designated official when employees are traveling to conduct university business. This policy applies to all travel to conduct university business, even if that travel is not reimbursed by the university. Travel authorization should be obtained prior to employee travel.
Travel requests should be submitted online via the eCompliance – Travel Authorization form. Employees should complete this form whenever they have a need for overnight travel related to university business. Failure to complete this form and receive travel approval may impact eligibility for travel expenditures to be directly paid or reimbursed by the University.
Trolling and Doxxing Resources
What to do if you are the victim of trolling or doxxing.