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Dear Colleagues,
As you know, since our announcement on Feb. 8, we have been working with the departments in the College of Human Environmental Sciences (HES) to ensure that they transition into the colleges that are best suited to their disciplines and where they will continue to thrive. The faculty and leadership in these departments have carefully considered and made recommendations regarding their new homes. Their recommendations reflect their considerations of the best fit for research, instruction and programs, and service. In addition, as a land-grant institution, we must preserve and expand our service to the community and the state we serve. To this end, we have worked with Vice Chancellor Marshall Stewart to ensure that faculty who have responsibilities within the Extension area will succeed in their new locations.
President Choi and I have discussed these changes, and we are pleased to announce that:
- The department of Architectural Studies will move into the College of Arts and Science.
- The department of Textile and Apparel Management will move into the College of Arts and Science.
- The department of Human Development and Family Science will move into the College of Education.
- The department of Personal Financial Planning (PFP) will move into the Division of Applied Social Sciences within the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR). Extension faculty currently in PFP, along with the Center for Financial and Economic Education, will move into the Trulaske College of Business.
- Faculty in the department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology currently housed in HES, along with the BS, MS, and PhD programs in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, will move into CAFNR. Extension faculty in the department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology will move into a different academic unit; they will be assigned to Extension if their new academic home is not finalized by the date below.
These departments have strong degree programs, and their faculty engage in innovative research, scholarship and engagement. Their success has been furthered by a strong and vital community of current and former faculty and college leaders, alumni and supporters. We believe that these academic transitions will allow the units to continue and expand their already excellent work in these areas. We know those who have supported these programs throughout the years will continue to be crucial to their success going forward.
I remain deeply grateful to our HES colleagues for their work over the last few weeks as we have finalized plans for the transition of these academic units. I know this work has not been easy, but in the end, it is going to make us a stronger institution.
Latha Ramchand, PhD
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs