Guidelines for Undergraduate Certificates

Both Dean’s certificates and not-for-credit certificates offered through MU Extension are not transcripted. The former do not require approval beyond the division curriculum committee and Dean; the Dean’s office is responsible for maintaining all related historical records. The latter do not require approval beyond the Vice Provost for Extension.

Transcripted undergraduate certificate programs provide students with the opportunity to pursue educational objectives beyond those normally associated with an academic major or minor. The defining curriculum may, for example, enable students to pursue a more applied approach to the subject matter than is available through a major or minor.  Undergraduate certificates programs may include course prerequisites and a GPA requirement in addition to a curricular core of at least 12 hours. At least 12 hours of the curricular core is to be completed through MU coursework. Certificate programs may be developed within a single department, a college or school, or a combination of academic unites in a manner similar to minors. Establishing an undergraduate certificate program requires the approval of the curriculum committees of the participating departments and divisions, their deans, the campus undergraduate curriculum committee and the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, before final approval of the Provost. Following provost approval, the certificate is sent to the system level, which transmits the proposal to the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (MDHEWD). MDHEWD’s level of review will depend on the number of credit hours and whether the certificate is built from new or existing courses.

The unit offering a certificate is responsible for providing participating students with advising and other support services; it is also responsible for maintaining students’ files, assessing their progress and notifying the University Registrar of students’ successful completion. Completion of a certificate program will be noted on a student’s transcript at the end of the term in which all of the degree requirements and certificate requirements have been completed.

For information on certificate program proposals, consult Program Approval and Change Processes

To propose a new undergraduate certificate, complete a new program proposal using the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) programs system 

To propose a change to an existing undergraduate certificate, complete a change (edit) proposal using the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) programs system 

Note: In order for a non-degree seeking student to receive financial aid while enrolled in an undergraduate certificate, the Department of Education requires the certificate be at least 16 credit hours. Consideration of this requirement is most important if the certificate is a “stand alone” program. For more information on this financial aid requirement, contact