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We are excited to announce more of the Provost’s award winners—congratulations to all three faculty members!
Provost’s Creative Extension Programming by New Faculty Award
The Provost’s Creative Extension Programming by New Faculty Award recognizes faculty with a current (at least 25 percent) extension assignment who have made exceptional accomplishments in their first four years of service to MU in the field of extension or continuing education.
Sarah Low, Associate Professor of Regional Economics, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Fred V. Heinkel Chair in Agriculture, Division of Applied Social Sciences
Low is the director of ExCEED, MU Extension’s Community Economic and Entrepreneurship Development program, which provides research to business, community, government and nonprofit partners. Her research area is rural and regional economic development. Low chairs the Community and Regional Economics Network (CRENET), is an External Research Associate with Colorado State University’s Regional Economic Development Institute (REDI), and serves as a volunteer with USDA Economic Research Service. She also sits on the City of Columbia’s Broadband Business Planning Task Force.
Provost’s Award for Leadership in International Education
The Provost’s Leadership in International Education Award recognizes MU faculty who have provided outstanding leadership in strengthening MU’s international dimension.
David Herzog, Professor, Journalism Professions
Herzog teaches data journalism and is part of the team that launched the online M.S. in Data Science and Analytics program at the University of Missouri. He is also an investigative reporter for numerous newspapers and has published two books, Data Literacy: A User’s Guide, SAGE Publications (2015) and Mapping for stories: A data journalism guide (2018).
Provost’s Awards for University Citizenship — Service
The Provost’s Faculty Service Award recognizes MU faculty for distinguished service. Winners of this award have made exceptional contributions to achieving one or more goals of the university, while embodying the values of the university.
Cristina Mislán, Associate Professor, Journalism Studies
Mislán’s areas of research include gender studies, international news, media history, and race and ethnic studies. Her recent awards include MU’s Provost Outstanding Junior Faculty Research and Creative Activity Award, the School of Journalism’s William Randolph Hearst Faculty Fellow Grant, and the Rising Scholar Award (awarded by the American Journalism Historians Association).
Deadlines for all of the campus awards are listed on the Provost’s website. Please contact us with any questions or if you need assistance with the submission process.