STEM Cubs | Get Involved

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STEM Cubs is a free K-8th grade S.T.E.M. Education program hosted jointly by Academic Access & Leadership Development, the College of Education & Human Development and the College of Engineering at the University of Missouri.

Here’s what you need to know to get involved as an instructor or volunteer!

STEM Cubs volunteers and instructors

STEM Cubs volunteers and instructors


Instructors are responsible for preparing a 75-min lesson plan with hands-on activities for K-8 students. The proposed lesson plan, if accepted, will be refined to make sure it fits all national education standards and is engaging for young learners.

Instructors will present their lesson plan four times (twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon) during the STEM Cubs camp. For the time commitment required to prepare the lesson plan, prepare classroom volunteers, and facilitate the lesson during the camp, instructors receive a stipend of $200. Co-instructor teams split the stipend evenly.

Important dates and deadlines for instructors:
Application due (includes draft lesson, identification of two experiments or activities, and a list of materials needed for the lesson)Friday, September 13
Meet and consult with assigned STEM Cubs coordinator to polish submitted lessonSeptember 18 – October 11
Submit finalized supply list and lesson planby Friday, October 11
Complete Youth Protection Policy requirementsby Friday, October 11
Conduct at least one practice session for lessonOctober 14 – 25
In-person volunteer training, lesson talk-throughWednesday, October 23
Fall 2024 STEM CubsSaturday, October 26

Apply to be a STEM Cubs instructor!

Application deadline for instructors is Friday, September 13.


Each STEM Cubs camp requires many volunteers to help with check-in, provide classroom support, and assist with activities.

Documentation of volunteer/service hours for clubs and organizations will be provided upon request. Additionally, STEM Cubs will accommodate departments, clubs and organizations that would like to volunteer as a group.

Important dates and deadlines for volunteers:
Volunteer registrationSeptember 4 – October 16
In-person volunteer training, lesson talk-throughWednesday, October 23
Fall 2024 STEM CubsSaturday, October 26

Apply to be a STEM Cubs volunteer!