Please refer to the call document and dossier preparation guidelines to ensure awareness of all requirements, including necessary documents. Below are required forms and sample documents:
- RPT College Staff Case Manager Training Guide – No Depts (PowerPoint)
- RPT College Staff Case Manager Training Guide (PowerPoint)
- RPT Committee, Chair and Dean Training Guide (PowerPoint)
- RPT Department Staff Case Manager Training Guide (PowerPoint)
- RPT T-TT Candidate Training Guide (PowerPoint)
- RPT NTT Candidate Training Guide (PowerPoint)
- RPT External Evaluator Process Training Guide (PowerPoint)
- NTT Case Packet Checklist (Word Doc)
- NTT Visual Guide (PDF)
- NTT Appointment History (Word Doc)
- NTT Procedures for Selection of Outside Reviewers (Word Doc)
- T-TT Case Packet Checklist (Word Doc)
- T-TT Visual Guide(PDF)
- T-TT Appointment History (Word Doc)
- T-TT Procedures for Selection of Outside Reviewers (Word Doc)
- Student Feedback on Teaching Table-SS23 and Prior (Word Doc)
- Student Feedback on Teaching Table-FS23 and After (Word Doc)
- Suggested Wording of Request to Outside Reviewers
- Initial email (Word Doc)
- Formal follow-up letter (Word Doc)
- Sample Bios for External Reviewers
- Table of Due Dates
- TT Non-Renewal Form & Letter Template (Word Doc)
- NTT Renewal & Non-Renewal – Guide & Letter Templates (Word Doc)