New Degree Program
The most comprehensive process involves a request for a new Bachelors, Masters, Education Specialist, or Doctoral degree. The first step is a pre-proposal reviewed and approved at the campus level. Once the pre-proposal is approved, the second step is a full proposal that provides more comprehensive information about the proposed program, including a full financial analysis. The full proposal is reviewed and approved by the Provost and Chancellor, before moving to the UM System, Board of Curators, and MDHE for approval. More information about this process, including templates and example proposals can be found at the following links:
- Summary of MU Process for new degree proposals: click here
- UM System information on new degree proposals, including templates and example proposals: click here
New Emphasis Area
An emphasis area is an official, defined focus of study that exists within a degree program. Emphasis areas are included on a student’s transcript and approved by MDHE. A proposal for a new emphasis area must go through the same approval processes as a degree program, but does not require both a pre- and full proposal.
- For more information on emphasis areas from the Graduate Faculty Senate website, click here.
- For more information on emphasis areas from the Office of the Provost’s website, click here.
New Certificate Program
A graduate or undergraduate certificate provides a student with proficiency in a defined discipline(s). Certificates may be “stand-alone” in that they are not linked to any specific degree program, linked to a specific degree program, or both (i.e., they are affiliated with a degree program but open to students outside of that program, including students only enrolled in a certificate program). A proposal for a new certificate must go through the same approval process as a degree program, but does not require both a pre- and full proposal.
- For more information on graduate certificates from the Graduate Faculty Senate website, click here
- For more information on Undergraduate Certificates from the Office of the Provost’s website, click here
- For guidelines on submitting certificate proposals, click here
- For a sample of a certificate proposal, click here
New Minor
A minor is affiliated with an academic department and is designed to provide a limited, coherent course of study that is less intense than a full degree. Unlike full degree programs, emphasis areas, and certificates, minors are fully approved at the campus level (i.e., they do not need to be approved by the UM System or MDHE).