Evaluation of a Dean

Steps in the Process

  1. The Office of the Provost will notify the dean that the evaluation process will be completed during the Spring 2023 semester.
  2. The Office of the Provost will meet with the Policy Committee chair of the college to discuss the evaluation process. The evaluation instrument, timeline, and steps outlining the evaluation process will be shared with the chair.
  3. The Policy Committee chair will share the evaluation instrument with the dean.
  4. The Policy Committee chair will obtain input from their committee and dean on the evaluation instrument and submit this information to the the provost office.
  5. The Office of the Provost will disseminate the evaluation instrument. The survey will be open for 2 weeks.
  6. The provost will send a confidential full copy of the evaluation report including narrative comments to the dean. The provost will meet with and personally review the results with the dean.
  7. The provost meets with the college Policy Committee to discuss results of the evaluation, share a verbal summary of the comments, and thank the committee for their work. Next, the Policy Committee or the provost office may share the numerical data from the evaluation with faculty and staff from the college. The narrative comments are not shared with faculty and staff. 
  8. The provost shares numerical results of the evaluation with the Faculty Council Executive Committee.

Faculty Council Policy (as of 2011) for Evaluation of Administrators:

Rotation for divisional administrators:
Year one – no evaluation
Year two – formative evaluation
Year three – no evaluation
Year four – formative, summative evaluation
If year four referendum is positive:
Years five and six – no evaluation
Year seven – formal evaluation repeated with referendum
Repeat formal evaluation on a three-year rotation as long as referenda are positive
If year four referendum is negative:
Year five – formal one repeated
If year five referendum is negative, the process established and implemented by Faculty Council to assess and transmit an evaluation of support or no confidence shall be initiated.

Dean Evaluation Schedule


Provost Matt Martens