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George Smith, Curators’ Distinguished Professor Emeritus of biological sciences, was recently awarded the Mizzou Medal of Distinction at the College of Arts and Sciences Welcome Back reception.
Faculty Authors: If you are an author of a first edition book with a copyright date of 2023, please complete this survey to help the Faculty Excellence Week committee better plan the Mizzou Book Authors event for this spring.
Provost’s Faculty Mentoring Award— This NEW award recognizes faculty who have provided exemplary mentorship to their Mizzou faculty colleagues. Nominees should have made exceptional contributions to the mentorship of their faculty colleagues, while embodying the values of the university. Nomination materials should include specific examples of the faculty member mentoring their colleagues in teaching, research, service, leadership, and/or outreach and engagement and detail the impact the mentorship had on the colleagues. Nominations are due Jan. 15, 2024. To learn more about nominating faculty for this award, visit the Provost’s website.
The UM System internal faculty awards are open for nominations. The following are deadlines for nomination packets to be submitted to the Office of the Provost. Department Faculty Awards Committees and/or Dean’s Offices may need to adjust internal processes and deadlines to meet the Office of the Provost deadlines for nomination packets.
- Thomas Jefferson Award: Dec. 15, 2023
- C. Brice Ratchford Memorial Fellowship: Dec. 15, 2023
Eight faculty members received course releases to complete books through the Provost Great Books Program for the spring 2024 semester:
- Elizabeth Baker, College of Education and Human Development
- Jenny Bossaller, College of Education and Human Development
- Luke Capizzo, Journalism
- Signe Cohen, Arts & Science
- Stephen Karian, Arts & Science
- Rebecca Meisenbach, Arts & Science
- Pilar Mendoza Middelkoop, College of Education and Human Development
- Mansoo Yu, College of Health Sciences
The following faculty members are participating in the NCFDD Faculty Success Program for the spring 2024 semester. The Office of the Provost and Division of IDE are pleased to support these faculty members with scholarships to participate:
- Hannah Paul, assistant professor, Truman School of Government and Public Affairs
- Morgan Shahan, assistant teaching professor, Sinclair School of Nursing
MizzouForward update:
MizzouForward adds three new priority areas for recruitment:
- Mobile Health—an interdisciplinary collaboration with the goal to serve as a one-stop resource that will provide software, sensing devices, and advanced data management and analysis services to researchers across campus to apply this methodology to study populations relevant to their own research questions.
- Energy & Sustainability Systems—research areas include renewable energy, electronics, cybersecurity, and grid management with the goal to significantly grow existing expertise and seed new growth in the research areas such as nuclear power, hydrogen technologies, energy storage, biofuels, critical materials for the energy sector, renewable and sustainable energy.
- Precision Health—includes any area of precision health, including cancer, immunology and microbiology, cardiovascular/metabolic disorders, as well as bioinformatics and data analysis.
Teaching for Learning Updates:
Save the dates for Teaching Renewal Week with a keynote and other sessions on Generative Artificial Intelligence. The virtual conference will be held Jan. 8 – 12, 2024.
Announcing a new webpage offered by the Teaching for Learning Center to help faculty locate all the resources pertaining to the Review of Teaching for our campus.
Have you considered gathering formative student feedback about your teaching? Gathering formative feedback on teaching involves seeking input from students during a course to better understand their learning experiences and identify areas for instructional change. Options include deploying the MoCAT online survey, using feedback from Student Partners on Teaching (SPoT), and designing your own Google form with just a few targeted questions to fit your unique context. Contact us at for information.