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Below are some updates from our office that are also included in the Office of the Provost’s August newsletter.
Welcome New Faculty
New faculty attended orientation on August 9-10 and attended a reception at the Chancellor’s Residence on August 8. Read what brought some of your new colleagues to campus on Show Me Mizzou.
Ombudsperson Website and Contact Information

As we announced in May, the new faculty Ombudsperson is Pam Bruzina, professor of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology. To read more about the position, and services offered, visit the new Ombudsperson website. To set up an appointment or ask a question, email the Ombudsperson at
The provost met with the COACHE committee over the summer to revise the committee’s charge and to gather input on the committee composition moving forward. The Provost’s Office reached out to deans for recommendations for committee members, and we are currently working to finalize the new COACHE committee. The provost is also planning to meet with Faculty Council this semester to share updates on how the Office of the Provost is working on the COACHE recommendations from last survey cycle.
National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) Fall 2023
The following faculty members are participating in the NCFDD Faculty Success Program for the fall 2023 semester. The Office of the Provost and Division of IDE are pleased to support these faculty members with scholarships to participate.
- Carolyn Orbann, College of Health Sciences
- Debora Verniz, Arts & Science
- Faizan Shafique, Arts & Science
- Kerri McBee-Black, Arts & Science
- Kerri Nowell, College of Health Sciences
- Melanie Tkach, College of Health Sciences
- Neekun Sharma, NextGen Precision Health Institute
- Perwez Alam, Veterinary Medicine
- Rabia Faizan, Arts & Science
- Rachel Olson, Veterinary Medicine
- Susana Quiros, Arts & Science
- Tara Selly, Arts & Science
- Vicki Vieira-Potter, CAFNR
NCFDD 2024 Faculty Success Program
NCFDD Spring 2024 Faculty Success Program Scholarship Applications: The Provost Office, in partnership with the Division of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity, are accepting scholarship applications for the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) 12-week Faculty Success Program. The program will run virtually from January 21 to April 13, 2024. If applying for a scholarship, please submit the following information as one PDF file to Associate Provost for Faculty Success Candace Kuby ( by Wednesday, September 20, 2023.
• Cover letter indicating why you are applying for this program and the ways in which you hope it will support you (see our website for additional information),
• A short letter of support from your chair or dean, and
• A CV
Connection is a faculty support program designed for faculty members (TT and NTT), primarily assistant and early associate level professors, who identify with various intersecting identities (e.g., racial, ethnic, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, linguistic, and…) and those interested in supporting inclusion of these faculty members. Connection gathers monthly during the academic year for whole group and small group meetings on various topics. Connection is facilitated by Maurice Gipson, Vice Chancellor of Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity, and Candace Kuby, Associate Provost for Faculty Success. If you are interested in joining this program, please contact Brooke Hartman (
Faculty Fellow

The Office of the Provost is excited to welcome Dr. Chris Slaten as a Faculty Fellow for Faculty Success. He will work with Associate Provost Candace Kuby to help plan and facilitate professional development and faculty success programs. Some of the programs he will assist with include: research fellow cohort programs, Mentoring at Mizzou, new faculty orientation and programming, the Great Books Program, and the NCFDD faculty success program.
Chairs Retreat

The Chairs Retreat was held on August 18 for new and returning department chairs. Provost Ramchand welcomed the chairs and said “our office is here to serve you so you can succeed in your roles, and your faculty and staff can succeed in their roles.” This is an annual professional development opportunity for chairs to learn about the Provost Office’s programs, such as faculty success initiatives, promotion and tenure processes, and mentoring programs.