MU Inclusive Excellence Plan

View the MU Inclusive Excellence Plan

Plan Highlights

Access and Success

  • Implement holistic admissions processes (Health Professions)
  • Develop recruitment strategies undergraduate, graduate, and professional students from traditionally underrepresented high schools and universities
    • College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
    • Engineering
    • Enrollment Management
    • Health Professions
    • Human Environmental Sciences
    • Inclusion, Diversity & Equity (IDE)
    • Journalism
    • Law
    • Medicine
    • Sinclair School of Nursing
    • Veterinary Medicine
  • Partner with state and national consortia of graduate schools to reach underrepresented students interested in graduate/professional study and careers in academia (IDE and Graduate Studies)
  • Expand Grow-Your-Own Teachers program (College of Education)

Institutional Climate and Intergroup Relations

  • Facilitate a Faculty Institute for Inclusive Teaching (IDE)
  • Lead a digital accessibility project campus-wide collaboration (Division of Information Technology and IDE)
  • Create a transfer student center (VP for Undergraduate Studies)
  • Review and create mentoring programs for faculty and students
    • Engineering
    • IDE
    • Journalism
    • Student Affairs
    • Undergraduate Studies

Education and Scholarship

  • Create the Middleton Center for the study of diversity and inclusion (Arts and Science)
  • Provide organizational and individual-level training for faculty and staff
    • Education
    • Engineering
    • IDE
  • Explore expanding the College of Arts & Science’s diversity course requirement campus-wide
  • Review curriculum and courses for inclusion and diversity
    • College of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
    • Engineering
    • Journalism
    • Business

Institutional Infrastructure

  • As a whole, demonstrate significant investment of human and financial resources for inclusion and diversity, and identify gaps in outcomes and propose innovative initiatives (campus-wide)
  • Review and revise processes and materials related to faculty and staff hiring/promotion (Human Resources, academic units)
  • Create of the Council for Inclusive Excellence as a Chancellor’s Standing Committee (Chancellor’s Office, IDE)
  • Establish campus and unit level diversity dashboards (IDE, Enrollment Management and Human Resources)

Community Engagement

  • Expand the Youth Futures program to prepare students across Missouri for college (Extension)
  • Expand STEM Cubs (Engineering and IDE)
  • Establish Inclusive Excellence partnerships with Columbia Chamber of Commerce, City of Columbia, Heart of Missouri United Way, Boone County (IDE)