Interdisciplinary Neuroscience

Mizzou is positioned to become a national leader in Brain Science research. We are seeking exceptional faculty to move MizzouForward in areas related to neuroscience. To further interdisciplinary collaboration, the university will consider faculty candidates in several areas of research, including basic science, clinical researchers and clinician scientists.

Research Areas

  • Neurodegeneration
  • Neurodevelopment 
  • Neuro trauma 
  • Neuro addiction 

Candidates with compelling research success outside these categories will also be considered.

Arts & Science Brain-Science-Symposium

Apply or Nominate a Researcher

A successful MizzouForward candidate is an accomplished researcher with a passion for collaboration and the desire to address our world’s most pressing needs. The colleagues we’re looking to recruit possess:

  • A proven track record of external research funding, particularly from federal agencies
  • A research agenda that complements the goals of MizzouForward
  • A strong publication record
  • Evidence of external recognition of one’s work, such as national awards and honors, membership with national academies, etc.
  • Interdisciplinary research that has the potential to impact multiple disciplines

If you’re interested in learning more or you know an exceptional investigator who can help us reach our research goals, we want to hear from you. Faculty ready to move Mizzou forward should apply now.

Why Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at Mizzou?

Mizzou is one of a handful of public universities with veterinary medicine, nursing, medicine, agriculture, animal science, nuclear research and health professions on the same campus. Having all of these within a few minutes of one another create robust opportunities for collaboration as well as infrastructure for researchers.  Centers, institutes and programs include:



At the University of Missouri, collaborations of the Comparative Neurology Program exist amongst the Laboratory for Comparative Ophthalmology, Animal Molecular Genetic Diseases Laboratory, Feline Genetics Laboratory, Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, Voice Swallow and Airway Center, and the Mason Eye Institute as we work together to develop an understanding of the causes of genetically based diseases of the nervous system and developing prevention and treatment strategies.  

Innovations in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Advisory Committee

MizzouForward is comprised of multiple advisory committees. Each committee is interdisciplinary in its composition and they review the applicant materials, conduct Zoom interviews with candidates and make recommendations to the hiring authorities.