Funding Initiatives

Applying for Funding

The Office of the Provost may have funding available to support speakers, visitors, and events such as lectures, seminars, and symposia. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Host academic units are expected to provide partial support. Visitors and speakers selected for support typically have received high recognition in their fields. All events funded through the Office of the Provost — including lectures, seminars, symposia, etc. — must be free and accessible to the general university community.

Priority will be given to events that:

  • appeal to a wide-ranging public,
  • address campus-wide priorities,
  • show funding from and appeal to multiple departments or units, and
  • have thoughtful budgets and marketing

To apply for funding please contact Assistant Provost Shruti Rana.

The Faculty Inclusive Excellence Fund (FIEF)

FIEF’s primary purpose is to support inclusive excellence efforts across campus. As a part of the funding process, the committee will review the overall qualifications of the hired faculty member and how their work supports inclusive excellence efforts within their units to meet university goals and other strategic priorities.

If you have any questions about the program, contact Associate Provost Candace Kuby.

Funding Proposal Process

FIEF proposals may be submitted on a rolling basis; however, the FIEF Committee conducts a monthly review of applications during the academic year. Proposals will not be reviewed during university breaks or holidays. Units may request FIEF support of up to 50% of salary and benefits, with a maximum of $50,000 per year, for up to 3 years.

Mission-driven priorities flow from the academic unit’s strategic plan and will ideally be documented in other areas such as the faculty meeting minutes or annual reports.

The unit must obtain approval to hire from the provost/provost-designee prior to making the request for FIEF funding. Additionally, the unit must comply with all the university’s recruitment and hiring procedures. This is particularly important when abridged hiring processes are used. If a unit identifies more than one potential hire from a single job posting, the unit may make multiple FIEF requests provided the provost/provost designee approves hiring multiple lines.

Funds are only transferred when the faculty member has assumed their employment. Additionally, the funds disbursed in the first year are actual expenses only, meaning if a faculty member starts after Sept. 1, the disbursed funds will be prorated.

Changes in Appointments and FIEF Funds: As a general rule, a FIEF award is attached to a person. As is usually stated in the commitment email, the award is only for so long as the person is employed in the department in that particular capacity. Should the faculty member move out of their faculty role and into a primarily administrative position, funding will be terminated for the expected term of the administrative appointment, allowing the University to reinvest the funds in our stated mission of increasing the diversity of the faculty.

Content of Proposals

Proposals must be submitted via the below form. The form will guide you in providing the following information:

  • Name of the department/division and department/division chair name and contact information (or other designee)
  • Confirmation of provost/provost designee approval to hire
  • Name and Curriculum Vita for the candidate
  • Position title, tenure-track status and rank
  • Brief statement of how the candidate was recruited, including whether new means of identifying potential applicants were utilized in the search phase
  • Expected salary
  • Dollar amounts and sources of all other funding committed in candidate offer
  • Information on the unit’s inclusive excellence priorities; and a brief paragraph about how the candidate fits the mission and priorities of the college/department
  • Amount of funding requested
  • Brief paragraph concerning specific efforts planned and/or in place to retain this individual once hired (including but not limited to mentoring). Provide details, including the names of designated mentors. Chairs are encouraged to meet with the Associate Provost for Faculty Success, Candace Kuby, to discuss ideas for how to support incoming faculty. This can be done before or after submitting a proposal.

Submit proposal here