Annual Faculty Celebrations


Faculty Excellence Week is a week-long celebration that features a combination of events for all faculty and some for invited audiences that focus on specific faculty accomplishments and awards.

Events open to all faculty members

Faculty Excellence Week Kickoff

Co-hosted by President Choi, Provost Martens, and Faculty Council

Faculty Book Authors Celebration

This event celebrates faculty members who published a book during the previous calendar year.

Invitation-only Events

Faculty Recognition Awards Ceremony

This event celebrates recipients of UM system awards, a variety of Chancellor and Provost awards for teaching, research, service, leadership, and extension as well as prestigious and highly-prestigious external awards from the previous calendar year.

William T. Kemper Fellowships for Teaching Excellence Award Ceremony and Reception

This special event, hosted in partnership by Commerce Bank, honors the newest class of Kemper Teaching Fellows, MU’s highest teaching distinction.  Learn about this class of Fellows on Show Me Mizzou.  For more information on the William T. Kemper Fellowships, please visit

Annual Events

Welcome Back Social

Welcome Back Social is an event in which all faculty are invited to connect with colleagues from across campus while enjoying hors d’oeuvres, refreshments and live music. In addition, faculty who have reached a milestone service year at Mizzou are celebrated. This event is scheduled for Monday, August 26, 2024 from 4-6pm in the MU Bond Life Sciences Center.

Shutz Reception and Lecture

Shutz Reception and Lecture is an opportunity for the award recipient to deliver a public address following a reception in their honor. The 2024 recipient is Dr. Eric Aldrich, Assistant Teaching Professor of Meteorology in the School of Natural Resources. The lecture will take place during the fall 2024 semester.

Promotion & Tenure Celebration

Promotion & Tenure Celebration is a celebratory reception for faculty members who received promotions and/or tenure in the previous academic year. The 2024 celebration will take place on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

Contact Us

For questions about these programs, please contact Brooke Hartman in the Office of the Provost.