Who can use the Academic Grievance Procedure (CRR 370.010)?
Faculty as defined in the Collected Rules and Regulations, Section 310.020.A may use this procedure for grievances relating to their status or activities as faculty members. Former faculty members may only use this process to grieve the non-renewal of their employment.
What constitutes a grievance?
To file a grievance, you must allege that there has been:
- a violation, misinterpretation, or arbitrary application of written University rule, policy, regulation, or procedure that applies to you and relates to your privileges, responsibilities, or terms and conditions of employment as a member of the faculty; and/or,
- there has been an infringement of your academic freedom.
The grievance procedure should not be used in connection with a matter relating to a complaint of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct. These matters are handled by an Equity Resolution Process in CRR Chapter 600.
In addition, the grievance procedure should not be used in connection with a matter relating to any administrative title or function you currently hold or may have held in the past.
When should I file a grievance?
You should file a grievance only after informal attempts to resolve the issues have been unsuccessful.
You must file the grievance within 180 calendar days after you were aware of the event that is the basis of your grievance, or reasonably should have been aware of that event.
You may not file a grievance if you have filed a lawsuit related to the issues that are the basis of your grievance.
Who will decide my grievance?
Grievances are addressed by the Grievance Resolution Panel that consists of a senior administrator and two tenured faculty members. In addition, a member of the grievance Oversight Committee will monitor your grievance to ensure the process is followed as prescribed in CRR 370.010. The GRP, in consultation with the Chancellor and Chair of Faculty Council, will name a respondent in your grievance. The GRP will speak to both grievant and respondent and gather evidence; at the conclusion of their investigation, the GRP will prepare a report of tentative findings and recommendations. The grievant and respondent are provided the opportunity to provide their perspective on the tentative report.
The GRP then submits their final report of findings and recommended remedies to the Chancellor. The Chancellor may accept or reject the findings of the GRP in whole or in part, and accept, reject or modify the recommendations of the GRP.
How long will the grievance process take?
The GRP has three months from the date of a correctly filed grievance to conduct an investigation and render findings and recommendations, if any.
Who should I contact if I have questions about the process?
Please email the Grievance Resolution Panel: GRP@missouri.edu.
Refer to CRR 370.010 (https://www.umsystem.edu/ums/rules/collected_rules/grievance/ch370/370.010_Academic_Grievance_Procedure) for the full process. This Q&A is only a summary; the terms of CRR 370.010 are controlling.