Teaching Online and Academic Technology

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Sprint Ahead: Online Faculty Development Certificate Missouri Online offers micro-credentials to faculty and staff as part of the Sprint Ahead program. Complete a single sprint, earn a badge, or go for a certificate! This program currently includes four badges (design, assessment, community, and inclusion) made up of 13 individual sprints. All of these sprints incorporate the latest scholarship of teaching and learning research and ask participants to design and/or develop instructional materials that align with current best practices.laptop_macteaching online, certificate, badge, design, assessment, community, inclusion
Online Teaching Certification SeminarThe Online Teaching Certification Seminar is a fully asynchronous course focused on equipping faculty with the skills needed for effective online instruction. By the end of the course, participants will be adept at integrating instructional strategies, understanding university academic policies, supporting diverse learning needs, and fostering a collaborative learning community.laptop_macteaching, online, certificate, Canvas, course
Online Teaching Recertification SeminarThe Online Teaching Recertification Seminar will build upon skills developed within the 6-week Online Teaching Certification Seminar. This professional development opportunity is asynchronous and will be facilitated by instructional designers from Missouri Online. laptop_macteaching, online, certificate, Canvas
Academic Technologies Trainings CalendarMissouri Online hosts training events throughout the year. Our short courses, bootcamps and on demand videos cover a wide variety of tools and topics that include Canvas, Panopto, Zoom, Voicethread and more. laptop_mactechnology, Canvas, Panopto, Zoom, voice thread, online course, classroom technology, academic technology
Teaching ToolsDocumentation on all academic technologies, Access assistance via chat, phone and e-mail.. laptop_mactechnology, Canvas, Panopto, Zoom, voice thread, online course, classroom technology, academic technology
College Teaching CertificateThe online graduate certificate in college teaching from the University of Missouri-Columbia can help you further your existing career in higher education. If you want to implement best practices in college-level teaching and develop more effective students, this may be the degree for you.laptop_maccertificate, college teaching
Integrating Library Content into CanvasThis is a comprehensive guide to help instructors and librarians provide the best resources for students via Canvas.laptop_mac information literacy, information resources, library guides