Mentoring at Mizzou

What is Mentoring at Mizzou?

Mentoring at Mizzou is a professional development opportunity for Mizzou faculty and staff who mentor graduate students, post docs, and/or faculty.  The program uses Entering Mentoring curricula developed by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research. This professional development uses an evidence-based, interactive approach designed to help mentors develop skills for engaging in productive, culturally responsive, research mentoring relationships – relationships that optimize the success of both mentor and mentees.  

Mentoring at Mizzou is a partnership between the Office of the Provost and Graduate School led by Candace Kuby, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, and Jeni Hart, Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Studies. 

Benefits of Mentoring at Mizzou

Units and individuals that engage in Mentoring at Mizzou have potential for these benefits: access to research-based mentoring resources, space to dialogue about mentoring goals, development of common mentoring language and practices, opportunity to plan actions to improve mentoring, evidence-based mentor training suitable for faculty mentors on training grants, and time to develop skills for better mentoring practices to better support success for and retain students, postdocs, and faculty members.   

What to Expect from Mentoring at Mizzou 

Participants can expect customized training (in-person or online) led by Mizzou colleagues. Workshops can range from a few hours to a full day. Training curricula are informed by a cultural diversity and inclusion framework. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • Aligning expectations in mentoring relationships 
  • Addressing equity and inclusion 
  • Assessing understanding 
  • Cultivating ethical behavior 
  • Enhancing work-life integration 
  • Maintaining effective communication 
  • Promoting research self-efficacy 
  • Fostering independence and well-being 

How to Request Training  

Upcoming Campus-Wide Opportunities 

In-person training sessions will be offered throughout the academic year. Please continue to check this website for future training sessions.

February 28, 2025 – Learning, Teaching & Curriculum department training

February 28, March 21, April 11, May 2, 2025 – Connection training (must be able to attend all 4 sessions)

April 11, 2025open to all MU faculty members – use this link to register


If you have any questions about Mentoring at Mizzou, reach out to Brooke Hartman in the Office of the Provost.