The Marie M. and Harry L. Smith Endowed Chair seeks to promote and support the work of outstanding faculty at the University of Missouri.
The award consists of a three-year term with $25,000 each year to support research and teaching activities. It is likely several faculty members will be awarded this endowed chair in the 2024 nomination cycle.
This endowed chair is open to:
- Tenured and NTT faculty members at the associate or full professor levels. If in an administrative position (e.g., department chair), no more than 50% of workload can be devoted to administrative activities.
Deans may nominate individuals.
Nomination materials should include (submitted as one PDF file):
- Submission Requirements Form (to access the form, you must log in using .umsystem.edu email account)
- Nomination letter from dean (from both deans if joint appointment). From the dean’s perspective, please address how the nominee demonstrates a reputation for excellence in teaching and research in their discipline and how the proposed award activities will improve their research and teaching efforts. (limit 2 pages double spaced)
- Letter of support from department chair (from both chairs if joint appointment). From the chair’s perspective, please address how the nominee demonstrates a reputation for excellence in teaching and research in their discipline and how the proposed award activities will improve their research and teaching efforts. This letter should also specify the nominee’s workload distribution and if the nominee holds any other professorship appointments (e.g., endowed positions, Curators’ Distinguished Professor) (limit 2 pages doubled spaced)
- Statement, prepared by nominee, of how the Endowed Chair funding will support the faculty member’s research and teaching in relation to the campus’ values and strategic priorities. The award is $25,000 for 3 academic years (2024-2025 to 2026-2027) for a total of $75,000. Include the outcomes and measures used to demonstrate impact of the funding (what will be produced). (limit 3 pages double spaced)
- Budget narrative, prepared by nominee, that describes how the money will be spent in relation to goals and an anticipated timeline of activities that will occur during of the 3-years of the award (limit 2 pages double spaced).
- May include, but not limited to research support and equipment, professional development, support for pilot studies, teaching materials, staff support, and/or hiring of students for research
- The funding is not eligible to be used for salary stipend
- Nominee’s CV
Deadline of April 12, 2024, for deans offices to submit packets to the Office of the Provost (umcprovostawards@missouri.edu).
Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by the divisional dean, who may establish an earlier internal deadline. Submit an electronic version as a single PDF attachment via email to UMCProvostAwards@missouri.edu. Name the file as follows: YearSmithEndowedChair_LastFirst (e.g., 2024SmithEndowedChair_TigerTruman).
Please contact Candace Kuby, Associate Provost for Faculty Success (kubyc@missouri.edu) with any questions.