The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) includes two different surveys coordinated and administered by Harvard University:
Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey
COACHE strives to place actionable information in the hands of participating colleges and universities to improve work life for faculty. COACHE administers the job satisfaction survey over a three-year cycle and provides each participating institution with a formal Provost’s Report containing both internal and external comparative analyses highlighting each institution’s strengths and opportunities for improvement. The University of Missouri Office of Institutional Research and Quality Improvement has used this data to create reports specific to each school and college. MU’s next COACHE job satisfaction survey will be conducted in 2025. The previous committee’s reports are linked below.
Faculty Retention & Exit Survey
The Faculty Retention & Exit Survey is the only multi-institutional survey of faculty retention and departure in higher education. Until now, there has been no systematic, coordinated effort for like-minded universities to collaborate in research design or data analysis to develop a common understanding of faculty mobility. To ensure anonymity, at least 3 years of data are needed before universities receive reports. MU began collecting data for this survey in October 2024.