As a result of the generosity of the late Byron T. and Maxine Christopher Shutz, an endowment was established in 1982 to recognize distinguished teachers from the Columbia campus. The award will be presented to a faculty member who has demonstrated extra efforts to involve undergraduates in active learning experiences and to personalize the undergraduate experience of students.
The Maxine Christopher Shutz award was given every two years from 1997-2003, and will now be awarded every year.
The award is in the amount of $2,000, less applicable taxes. In addition to the monetary award, the recipient will be required to deliver a public address following a dinner in his or her honor.
Open to all full-time faculty throughout the Columbia campus.
Faculty colleagues, departments, schools/colleges or recognized campus organizations may nominate individuals.
Do not place nomination materials in a hard binder. The length of the nomination materials is not of primary importance because the final choice will be based on convincing evidence.
Nomination materials will not be returned; therefore, the department chair should retain a copy of nomination materials for possible future use. Unsuccessful nominations may be updated and resubmitted in successive years.
Nomination materials should include:
- Submission Requirements Form
- Nomination/Cover Letter
- Describe the characteristics of the nominee that serve to justify his/her being recognized.
- Supporting letters from five university faculty
- Nominee’s personal philosophy of teaching statement, explicitly outlining his/her instructional goals, instructional strategies and methods of bringing current research into the instructional process. Statement should not exceed five double-spaced pages.
- List of courses taught during the preceding five years
- Summarizations of student teaching evaluations (Do not include copies of individual student or course forms/sheets.)
- Student testimonials (limited to five) from current or former students that address effectiveness, uniqueness and general quality of teaching
- Nominee’s curriculum vitae
Annual Deadline: January 15 (due the following business day when falls on a weekend or holiday)
Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by the Divisional Dean, who may establish an earlier deadline. Submit an electronic version as a single PDF attachment via email to UMCProvostAwards@missouri.edu. Name the file as follows: YearShutz_LastFirst (e.g., 2025Shutz_TigerTruman). Original hard copies of the proposal packet are no longer required.
Please contact us at UMCProvostAwards@missouri.edu with any questions.
Past Recipients
2025 | Katina Bitsicas, Visual Studies |
2024 | Eric Aldrich, Meteorology |
2023 | Pamela Brown, Biological Sciences |
2022 | Karthik Panchanathan, Anthropology |
2021 | Jeimmie Nevalga, KOMU |
2020 | Julie Elman, Women’s & Gender Studies |
2019 | Elizabeth Brixey, Journalism Professions |
2018 | Keona Ervin, History |
2017 | Neil Minturn, Music |
2016 | Laurie Kingsley, Learning, Teaching & Curriculum |
2015 | Leigh Neier, Learning, Teaching & Curriculum |
2014 | Thomas E. Phillips, Biological Sciences |
2013 | Ilyana Karthas, History |
2012 | Kathy Unrath, Learning Teaching & Curriculum |
2011 | Erica Lembke, Special Education |
2010 | Vitor Trindade, Economics |
2009 | Peter Motavalli, Soil, Environmental & Atmospheric Sciences |
2008 | Michael Smith, Animal Sciences |
2007 | Alan Strathman, Psychological Sciences |
2006 | Carol Anderson, History |
2005 | Renata Maiorino, Learning, Teaching & Curriculum |
2004 | Albert Devlin, English |
2003 | Patricia D. Crown, Art History & Archaeology |
2001 | Michael J. Porter, Communication |
1999 | John Galliher, Sociology |
1997 | No awardee |
1996 | Roy Fox, Curriculum and Instruction |
1995 | James Carrel, Biological Sciences |
1994 | Allen Bluedorn, Management |
1993 | Costanza Cuccaro, Music |
1992 | John Faaborg, Biological Sciences |
1991 | David Leuthold, Political Science |
1990 | Joel A. Hartman, Rural Sociology |
1989 | William B. Bondeson, Philosophy |
1988 | David J. Loschky, Economics |
1987 | Robert M. Collins, History |
1986 | Joseph A. Silvoso, Accountancy |
1985 | William “Mac” Jones, Jr., English |
1984 | John Kuhlman, Economics (D) |