Requests for faculty emeritus titles may be submitted to the Office of the Provost at any time during the academic year. The Office of the Provost will review, and pursuant to Delegation of Authority by the President on August 23, 2021, the Provost will approve on behalf of the Chancellor.
Send questions and submissions to
All requests must meet the criteria of 320.090. Department faculty will send letters of endorsement to the school or college dean who will add their own recommendation and forward to the Office of the Provost. Packets should be combined starting with the cover letter/dean recommendation followed by the chair and/or faculty letter in pdf format. Cover letter by the dean must include the following:
- Name and title
- Service date
- Last day of duty
- Tenure status
- Current email
- Home address
- Departmental vote
- Brief explanation of why the applicant is deserving of the title
In cases where the requested title does not meet the criteria of 320.090, the chair or director will recommend the request to the dean. The dean will refer the recommendation to the appropriate faculty committee for peer review and consent. Once obtained, and the dean concurs, the dean should add their own recommendation and submit to the Office of the Provost.
Curator’s Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Emeritus requests for a current Curators’ Distinguished Professor are reviewed by the Office of the Provost, approved by the Provost on behalf of the Chancellor, and forwarded to UM System Academic Affairs. The Board of Curators is final approval and considers submissions at scheduled meetings throughout the year.
Requests are due to the Provost Office at least 2 weeks in advance of the UM System timeline.
Submit to
Required materials:
- Letter of request/support from the dean, directed to the Provost
- Updated executive summary
- Updated c.v. if available
- additional internal support letters (optional)