Chairs’ Council 2024-2025

Chair’s Council is a leadership and advisory body of Department Chairs/Directors at Mizzou. 

Chairs’ Council is intended to facilitate communication, collaboration, and shared governance between Department Chairs/Directors and the Office of the Provost. The Council serves as a collective voice for Department Chairs/Directors, ensuring their concerns, ideas, and priorities are communicated to the Office of the Provost. The Council actively supports Department Chairs/Directors by identifying opportunities for improvement and collaborating with the Office of the Provost to develop innovative solutions that strengthen leadership and departmental success when challenges may be identified.

Each college identifies one representative to serve a three-year term on Chairs’ Council. Appointment terms are staggered. A liaison to Chairs’ Council is appointed by the Provost’s Office. The Chairs’ Council appoints a Chair to preside over Chair’s Council meetings. Chairs’ Council meets quarterly with additional meetings scheduled as needed. Chairs’ Council members should also meet regularly with the chairs that they represent from their respective colleges.

2024-2025 Chairs’ Council Representatives

A&S: Jung Ha-Brookshire (term expires 2026)
Business: Chris Robert (term expires 2025)
CAFNR: Heike Buecking (term expires 2027)
Education & Human Development: Council Chair Brenda Lohman (term expires 2026)
Engineering: Hani Salim (term expires 2026)
Journalism: Jon Stemmle (term expires 2026)
Law: Sandra Sperino (term expires 2025)
Libraries: Jennifer France Thompson (term expires 2028)
Medicine: Lee-Ann Allen (term expires 2027)
Nursing: Deidre Wipke-Tevis (term expires 2027)
Health Sciences: Aaron Thompson (term expires 2025)
Vet Med: Bill Picking (term expires 2027)

Office of the Provost Liaison: Associate Provost Brian Houston