Kathleen and Robert Unrath Excellence in Visionary Teaching Award


To recognize and reward educators who demonstrate exceptional dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in their teaching practices with an emphasis on demonstrating a strong creative and visual connection to the disciplines that are taught. 


The award is in the amount of $2,000 less applicable taxes. In addition to the monetary award, the recipient will receive a commissioned art piece as well as have the opportunity to deliver a lecture or workshop on teaching.  


All campus faculty with teaching as part of their workload are eligible to apply.  


Students, colleagues, and administrators will be invited to nominate deserving educators for the award. 

Do not place nomination materials in a hard binder. The length of the nomination materials is not of primary importance because the final choice will be based on convincing evidence. Nomination materials will not be returned; therefore, the department chair should retain a copy of nomination materials for possible future use. Unsuccessful nominations may be updated and resubmitted in successive years

Nomination materials should include:

  1. Submission Requirements Form
  2. Nomination/Cover Letter (see review criteria below as guidance for the letter, limit to two pages double spaced) 
  3. Supporting letters (limited to three) from alumni, students (former or current), colleagues and departmental or divisional administrators (see review criteria below as guidance for the letters, limit to two pages double spaced for each letter) 
  4. Personal statement from the nominee regarding his/her philosophy of teaching including summarization of how they engage in innovative and effective teaching practices with strong creative and visual connections to the discipline(s) taught (limit to 2 pages, double spaced). 
  5. A representative list of courses taught (including syllabi) and students advised by nominee (limited to the past five years) 
  6. Data from two or more instruments that evaluate instructional activity (limited to the past five years). For example, student evaluations of teaching, peer observations of teaching, results of assessment of student learning, or other relevant methods of evaluation. Do not include copies of individual student or course forms/sheets. If including student evaluations of teaching, please use the Student Feedback on Teaching Chart (for all courses taught before Fall 2023). Also, please use this Student Feedback on Teaching Chart (for all courses taught beginning Fall 2023). Data for courses taught beginning Fall 2023 should come directly from the Construct Mean table on the Feedback on Instruction and Course form.  
  7. Nominee’s curriculum vitae (be sure to include grants received for the improvement of instruction or teacher preparation)

Nomination materials are reviewed on the following criteria: 

  • The faculty member demonstrates a commitment to student learning, teaching excellence, engagement, mentorship, and educational innovation inclusive of visual communication and creative pursuits. 
  • They design and employ inventive teaching methods, transforming traditional lectures into dynamic, interactive experiences that captivate students and demonstrate a strong creative and visual connection to the disciplines that are taught. 
  • They seamlessly connect academic concepts to real world applications, providing students with practical insights and preparing them for future challenges as global citizens who are visually literate in a technological world. 
  • They cultivate an inclusive and collaborative learning environment, communication, and the exchange of ideas among students where students are making meaning through meaningful curricular experiences. The design of assignments and projects bring significance to the course content. 
  • They engage students and demonstrate a genuine passion and expertise for the subject matter which inspires students’ curiosity and development of a lifelong learner. 
  • They demonstrate a deep personal interest in building caring relationships with students, mentoring, and building student success. 


Annual Deadline:  January 15 (due the following business day when falls on a weekend or holiday)

Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by the Divisional Dean, who may establish an earlier deadline. Submit an electronic version as a single PDF attachment via email to UMCProvostAwards@missouri.edu. Name the file as follows: YearUnrathTchng_LastFirst (e.g., 2025UnrathTchng_TigerTruman). Original hard copies of the proposal packet are no longer required. 

Please contact us at UMCProvostAwards@missouri.edu with any questions. 

Past Recipients

  • 2025 – Amanda Durbak, Biological Science