Provost’s Award for Leadership in International Education


To recognize MU faculty who have provided outstanding leadership in strengthening MU’s international dimension.


Up to two individuals will be given the annual award which will include a $1,000 prize, less applicable taxes. In addition to being recognized at the campus-wide faculty awards dinner, the awardees will be invited to make presentations at the annual International Fellowship Recognition Evening.


The selected MU faculty members (full-time, tenured, non-tenured and non-tenure track), regardless of departmental affiliation, will have demonstrated outstanding leadership in international education by virtue of contributions, such as by having a creative role in developing a significant aspect of the international curriculum at MU, assuming a lead role in developing an active MU linkage with an international partner, serving on international advisory bodies or by collaboration with international colleagues in significant research and publications.


Faculty colleagues, departments, schools/colleges or recognized campus organizations may nominate individuals.

Do not place nomination materials in a hard binder. The length of the nomination materials is not of primary importance because the final choice will be based on convincing evidence. Nomination materials will not be returned; therefore, the department chair should retain a copy of nomination materials for possible future use. Unsuccessful nominations may be updated and resubmitted in successive years.

Nomination materials should include:

  1. Submission Requirements Form
  2. Nomination/Cover Letter
    • Describe the educational activity or activities that qualify the candidate for nomination (include a statement regarding the impact of the nominee’s activities).
  3. Supporting letters (limited to five) from MU colleagues and/or partners abroad
  4. Nominee’s curriculum vitae


Annual Deadline: January 15 (due the following business day when falls on a weekend or holiday)

Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by the Divisional Dean, who may establish an earlier deadline. Submit an electronic version as a single PDF attachment via email to Name the file as follows: YearProvIntlEd_LastFirst (e.g., 2025ProvIntlEd_TigerTruman). Original hard copies of the proposal packet are no longer required.

Please contact us at with any questions.

Past Recipients

2025Rajiv Mohan, Veterinary medicine
2024Scott Peck, Agricultural Biochemistry
2023Wilson Majee, Health Sciences
2022Michael Marlo, English
2021Leon Schumacher, Agricultural Systems Management
2020David Herzog, Journalism Professions
2019Sheena Greitens, Political Science
2018Suchismita Guha, Physics & Astronomy
2017Rebecca Meisenbach, Communication
2016Randall Smith, Journalism
2015L. Marvin Overby, Political Science
2014Martha Townsend, English
2013Tola Pearce, Sociology/WGST
2012Thomas Johnson, Truman School; Ag Economics
2011David Ledoux, Animal Sciences
2010Saku Aura, Economics
2009Joseph Hobbs, Geography
2008Robert Sites, Plant Sciences
2007Puncky Paul Heppner, Education, School & Counseling Psychology
2005Stuart Loory, Journalism (D)
2004Michael Nolan, Rural Sociology
2003Ronald A. Ratti, Economics
2002James McCartney, International Programs (D) and Charles Timberlake, History (D)
2001Frederick W. Cropp, IV, Advertising
2000Kitty Dickerson, Textile and Apparel Management
1999Byron Scott, Journalism
1998Charles Franz, Management
1997Melvin G. Blase, Agricultural Economics (D)
1997Curtis J. Nelson, Agronomy