To recognize MU faculty who have demonstrated exemplary university citizenship through faculty leadership or service to the MU campus.
The Provost’s Faculty Leadership Award recognizes faculty who have provided exemplary leadership for the university. Examples of areas of leadership include, but are not limited to, faculty/shared governance, major curricular reform or program development, chairing a department or academic program, and fostering collaboration between or among departments, divisions or schools.
The Provost’s Faculty Service Award recognizes MU faculty for distinguished service. Nominees should have made exceptional contributions to achieving one or more goals of the university, while embodying the values of the university. Examples of service include, but are not limited to, committee work, campus-wide programming or initiatives, and community service at local, state, regional, national, or international level.
The Provost’s Faculty Mentoring Award recognizes faculty who have provided exemplary mentorship to their Mizzou faculty colleagues. Nominees should have made exceptional contributions to the mentorship of their faculty colleagues, while embodying the values of the university. Nomination materials should include specific examples of the faculty member mentoring their colleagues in teaching, research, service, leadership, and/or outreach and engagement and detail the impact the mentorship had on the colleagues.
Up to one Provost’s Faculty Leadership Award, up to one Provost’s Faculty Service Award, and up to one Provost’s Faculty Mentoring Award will be given each year. Each award will include a $1,000 prize, less applicable taxes. Based on the recommendation of a selection committee, the Provost reserves the right not to make an award in any given year.
These awards are open to all benefits-eligible faculty members not holding administrative appointments above a department or division chair or head. Nominees for the Provost’s Faculty Service Award may not hold appointments that are more than 50% administrative.
Faculty colleagues, departments, schools/colleges or recognized campus organizations may nominate individuals.
The length of the nomination materials is not of primary importance because the final choice will be based on convincing evidence. The nominator is encouraged to retain a copy of any materials submitted, as unsuccessful nominations may be updated and resubmitted in successive years.
Nomination materials should include:
- Submission Requirements Form
- Nomination/Cover Letter, describing in detail the activities and accomplishments that qualify the candidate for nomination. Be sure to include a statement regarding the impact of the nominee’s activities.
- Supporting letters (no more than two).
- Nominee’s curriculum vitae
Annual Deadline: January 15 (due the following business day when falls on a weekend or holiday)
Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by the Divisional Dean, who may establish an earlier deadline. Submit an electronic version as a single PDF attachment via email to UMCProvostAwards@missouri.edu. Name the file as follows: YearProvCtz-Lead_LastFirst or YearProvCtz-Svc_LastFirst or YearProvCtz-Mtr_LastName (e.g., 2025ProvCtz-Lead_TigerTruman or 2025ProvCtz-Svc_TigerTruman or 2025ProvCtz-Mtr_TigerTruman). Original hard copies of the proposal packet are no longer required.
Please contact us at UMCProvostAwards@missouri.edu with any questions.
Recipients of the Provost Awards for University Citizenship
- 2025 – Botswana Blackburn, Health Sciences
- 2024 – David Schulz, Biological Sciences
- 2023 – Christopher Slaten, Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology
- 2022 – Mark Horvit, Journalism Professions
- 2021 – Leigh Neier, Learning, Teaching & Curriculum
- 2020 – No Nominations submitted
- 2019 – Elisa Glick, English/Women’s Gender Studies
- 2018 – Ben Trachtenberg, Law
- 2017 – Margaret Duffy, Journalism
- 2025 – Anne Stanton, Visual Studies
- 2024 – Stephen Klien, Communications
- 2023 – Keith Greenwood, Journalism Studies
- 2022 – Casandra Harper Morris, Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis
- 2021 – Gerald Summers, Biological Sciences
- 2020 – Cristina Mislán, Journalism Studies
- 2019 – Tina Bloom, Nursing
- 2018 – Thomas Phillips, Biological Sciences
- 2017 – Pam Hinton, Nutrition & Exercise Physiology
- 2025 – Paula McSteen, Biological Science
- 2024 – Amy Simons, Journalism