myVITA is a web-based faculty activity reporting system that allows faculty members at all UM System campuses to report on their research, teaching, service, scholarship and creative works. All tenured, tenure-track, and ranked non-tenure-track are evaluated in myVITA.
The faculty evaluation process is initiated mid-December through February and concludes no later than June 1 of each year. Every school/college determine their own specific operational timeline to work through the evaluation cycle. The timelines chosen by each college are accessible below.
Faculty evaluations are a mandate of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations, specifically addressing faculty evaluations are CRRs: 310.015, 310.080 and 310.035. According to CRR 310.015, the performance of all tenured faculty, untenured tenure track faculty, and non-tenure track faculty is reviewed annually by the appropriate unit supervisor. MU does this annual review in the myVita system. This is a two-step, required process: (1) the self-report gives faculty members the opportunity to provide comprehensive information on their contributions in research, teaching, service, and administration and (2) the supervisor’s review assesses the faculty member’s self-report and provides feedback and guidance.
myVITA is not supported by the Division of Information Technology at Mizzou. If you experience login issues or lack of access, or any other technical issues, you must contact for assistance.
Components of the Annual Review
The annual review comprises three essential components: the self evaluation, the MU Activity Report, and the Chair/Director evaluation.
- Self Evaluation: Faculty members are responsible for completing this part, which provides context to the MU Activity Report. The self evaluation step opens in all colleges in December or January (check for your college timelines below). Every faculty member must complete their self evaluation form.
- MU Activity Report: Faculty are responsible for reviewing and updating activities in myVITA, which feeds into the MU Activity Report. This information can be updated all year long. The MU Activity Report is discussed in greater detail here.
- Chair/Director Evaluation: The Chair is responsible for completing this component by assigning a rating and submitting. Faculty meet with their supervisor to discuss evaluations as needed. Faculty are encouraged to use the “faculty response” option in myVITA to formally acknowledge their evaluation and should also send any comments to their supervisor via email, outside of myVITA. Faculty have 30 days to respond to the chair/director evaluation.
To meet the annual requirements, all components should be completed. Each college establishes its own timelines for each step in the evaluation cycle.
Faculty Response to Chair’s evaluation
When a faculty member makes a response to their supervisor’s evaluation, myVITA does not trigger or send any notification to the Chair/Director. The faculty response should be used by faculty to provide a formal recognition and receipt of their evaluation. Any additional comments deemed necessary to include on the official evaluation should be provided in the response. Faculty that make a response and desire communication are encouraged to send their response to their Chair/Director via email and open a dialogue outside of myVITA.
Lenth of employment which requires annual review (in letter)
Faculty should be evaluated if employed any day in the year of the evaluation cycle. Faculty members who are required to undergo an annual review, according to CRRs 310.015, 310.080, and 310.035, and have not completed a full calendar year of employment, should still be evaluated. Retired faculty are excluded from this requirement. This consistent approach ensures that each faculty member receives support. Even if their contributions to MU have been limited, they should still have the chance to report their activities and be reviewed.
The first step is for faculty to review and enter information into the Profile and Activities section of myVITA for the period for which they are being evaluated.
Check your college timeline (below) to ensure your ability to comply with overall campus completion mandate. Also visit same site for college myVITA instruction materials.
SAVE – SAVE – SAVE your work!
myVITA times out every 60 minutes. Save any work you have done before moving to a new activity or closing out of myVITA. The SAVE button is at the bottom of activity records, self-reports, and all sections where faculty can update data in myVITA.
Complete required documents needed for annual report.
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FOR COORDINATORS: Quick Link for Faculty New Hire list
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Jess Orsini
College of Arts & Science
Andrew Longley
Trulaske College of Business
Artesha Strong
Education and Human Development
Jasmine Lopez
Mizzou Engineering
Jenne Parker
Univ of MO Extension
Kim Shettlesworth
College of Health Sciences
Kimberly Jones-Jackson
Missouri School of Journalism
Leslie Patrie
School of Law
Monique Prince
Nicole Whyte
School of Medicine
Shari Ackerman
School of Nursing
Linda Huether
Veterinary Medicine
Sheryl Cullina