We’re seeking exceptional faculty to move Mizzou forward in priority areas related to national nuclear engineering and energy areas. To further interdisciplinary collaboration, the university will consider faculty candidates in several areas of research.
Research Areas
At Mizzou Engineering, we infuse innovation into all arenas with a shared goal of improving lives and communities across the world. We do this through ground-breaking research with emphasis on the following areas.
- Nuclear Engineering and Energy
- Quantum Computing
- Materials Science and Engineering
Candidates with compelling research success outside these categories will also be considered.

Apply or Nominate a Researcher
A successful MizzouForward candidate is an accomplished researcher with a passion for collaboration and the desire to address our world’s most pressing needs. The colleagues we’re looking to recruit possess:
- A proven track record of external research funding, particularly from federal agencies
- A research agenda that complements the goals of MizzouForward
- A strong publication record
- Evidence of external recognition of one’s work, such as national awards and honors, membership with national academies, etc.
- Interdisciplinary research that has the potential to impact multiple disciplines
If you’re interested in learning more or you know an exceptional investigator who can help us reach our research goals, we want to hear from you. Faculty ready to move Mizzou forward should apply now.
Why Engineering at Mizzou?
The College of Engineering at the University of Missouri integrates leading-edge research and high-quality education to solve the problems of today and tomorrow. Our faculty members are renowned for work in their respective fields, and both campus and college leadership invest in their success. Mizzou is a Tier 1 Research University and a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU). We have a long and proud tradition of engineering innovation, from implementing Thomas Edison’s Dynamo in the 1880s to being among the first colleges to integrate the Spot autonomous robot from Boston Dynamics into our undergraduate curriculum in 2021. Mizzou Engineering pursues excellence in research to push the boundaries of what’s possible. The University of Missouri emphasizes interdisciplinary collaborations, providing engineering faculty with opportunities to work with peers from across campus. Mizzou is home to the MU Research Reactor, the most powerful university research reactor in the U.S. Mizzou Engineering plays a role in NextGen Precision Health, which develops interventions to improve health outcomes.
Research centers and signature programs
Center for Geospatial Intelligence (CGI): The Center for Geospatial Intelligence is led by Curt Davis, Naka Endowed Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Since its inception in 2007, Davis and a large and diverse group of faculty and other researchers have conducted R&D for defense and intelligence agencies and related industries.
Materials Science and Engineering Institute: The MU Materials Science and Engineering Institute bring together interdisciplinary collaborators focused on materials science and engineering research and education. It fosters collaboration in existing and new areas, including biomaterials, energy materials, quantum materials and materials-at-extremes. By uniting the sciences and engineering at Mizzou, the institute will create new opportunities for joint projects and funding proposals.
Center for Cyber Education and Research Infrastructure (Mizzou CERI): The Cyber Education and Research Initiative (CERI) at Mizzou, led by Greg L. Gilliom Professor of Cyber Security Prasad Calyam, fosters advanced cyberinfrastructure innovations to benefit our research and education communities. Our mission? To serve as a multi-university, multi-disciplinary center in areas relating to Big Data Analytics and to foster information technology innovations. Through this, we will further elevate the university’s position as an AAU Research 1 institution.
Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation (MCTI): We don’t just improve Missouri infrastructure – we transform it. Transportation research shouldn’t end at just ideas — its effects should be seen in our roads and structures. That’s the vision of the Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation (MCTI) – to drive transportation research forward and turn that research into real-world results. Better infrastructure means safer roads, a more connected community and a robust economy. MCTI was founded by Glen Barton Chair in Flexible Pavement Technology Bill Buttlar.
Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution (CELDi): The Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution (CELDi) is a graduated National Science Foundation I/UCRC that provides innovative solutions for partner organizations. CELDi is a research and education consortium consisting of six research universities and 20 member organizations. The center enables its industry partners to achieve logistics and distribution excellence by solving real problems to maximize profitability.
Center to Stream Healthcare In Place: Mizzou is part of the Center to Stream Healthcare In Place, a National Science Foundation I/UCRC. At Mizzou, the focus is to support older adults and to help them lead healthier and more independent lives. Through the center, researchers develop new Care in Place technologies for decentralized healthcare, driven by actual clinical needs, and evaluate them in realistic settings. With the C2SHIP industry partners, effective technologies are translated to commercialization to serve those in need. The C2SHIP center at MU leverages research at the former Center for Eldercare Rehabilitation and Technology.
Cybersecurity Center at Mizzou: The Cybersecurity Center at Mizzou focuses on interdisciplinary research and educational approaches to national security problems. The center brings together affiliated faculty from engineering, information technology, business, law, medicine social sciences and mathematics.
Midwest Industrial Assessment Center (IAC): The Midwest Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) helps small to midsized manufacturers in Missouri and Kansas improve energy efficiency and waste reduction in their manufacturing operations. IAC Faculty and student interns from the center provide no-cost energy, productivity and waste assessments for clients from a variety of industries, including municipal wastewater treatment plants. Additionally, the Center trains the next generation of energy engineers and provides outreach to the industrial sector.
Multiphysics Energy Research Center (MERC): The MU Multiphysics Energy Research Center (MERC) aims to advance multi-physics energy research to become a national center and leader in the field of multiphysics energy. MERC leverages the unique research strengths at the University of Missouri to foster collaboration around building energy, solar energy and electric vehicles for applications such as advanced hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, technologies to increase building energy efficiency, photovoltaics and concentrating solar-thermal power and long-duration energy storage technologies.
Neural Engineering Laboratory: The Neural Engineering Laboratory collaborates with neuroscientists to explore the functioning of neurons and networks, using both invertebrate and vertebrate model systems. Based at the University of Missouri, neuroscience collaborators include faculty from MU and other institutions.
Departmental Research
Mizzou Engineering Departmental Research: Cutting-edge innovation happens daily in each of our departments. Through departmental-specific research, you’ll gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the work involved in your chosen major, as well as opportunities to hone skills that will give you a competitive edge. Learn more about the focus areas, research opportunities and labs in each of our departments.
Mizzou Research Support Services
Machine and Electronics Shop: Mizzou Engineering provides a Machine Shop and Electronics Shop offering an array of tools and services to students and faculty. Engineering facilities staff members are on hand to provide technical support for experimental research, educational innovation and entrepreneurial product development.
3D Printing Research & Experiences Lab: The 3D Printing Research & Experiences Lab provides state-of-the-art equipment to produce lightweight materials. The lab is available to students, faculty and industry partners.
Engineering Advisory Committee
MizzouForward is comprised of multiple advisory committees. Each committee is interdisciplinary in its composition and they review the applicant materials, conduct Zoom interviews with candidates and make recommendations to the hiring authorities.